
Codice prodotto
Pro-Wave now presents a series of mechnoelectrical sensors and detectors produced by advanced piezoelectric polymer film technology. The polymer film of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVF2) exhibits a conspicuous piezoelectric effect and also has high compliance comparing with other piezoelectric crystals or ceramic materials. Because of its superior piezoelectric strain constant (g value), 10-20 times larger than piezoelectric ceramic, it is an ideal sensing material for converting mechanical to electrical energy.

Pro-Wave now presents a series of mechnoelectrical sensors and detectors produced by advanced piezoelectric polymer film technology. The polymer film of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVF2) exhibits a conspicuous piezoelectric effect and also has high compliance comparing with other piezoelectric crystals or ceramic materials. Because of its superior piezoelectric strain constant (g value), 10-20 times larger than piezoelectric ceramic, it is an ideal sensing material for converting mechanical to electrical energy.


  • High Mechno-electrical coefficiency in planar, thickness and hydrostatic modes
  • Low mechanical and acoustic impedance
  • High resistance to moisture
  • Pliant, flexible, tough and lightweight
  • Self-generated voltage, non-contact, rustless, free of sparking

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