Vending machines are part of our daily life: from the coffee break in the office to the purchase of tickets for public transports, the ease of use of these systems has brought significant advantages in various fields.
The efficiency of vending machines also depends on the electronic components that regulate and control the different stages of product distribution.
Shinkoh Optoelectronic sensors find application in this very sense: the control of right positioning of the shot of coffee, the detection of bills and coins during the phase of payment and the control of the residual level of the products inside the machine, are just some of the possible integrations for these sensors.
Thanks to the variety of versions at mechanical levels and to specific characteristics, Shinkoh sensors are integrable in differents types of vending machines and ensure the right operability of them also in particular conditions where, for example, sunlight and dust may interfere and bring to false errors.
Tecnosens has available at stock the 99% of the Shinkoh Catalog, available for samples requests.
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Shinkoh Optoelectronic Sensors for Vending Machines
28 Jul 2020