The DZ range of gauge probes are probably the shortest available on the market with a full calibrated linear displacement measuring range of 1 mm or 2 mm.


Quite possibly the world’s thinnest displacement transducer, the tiny 3 mm diameter allows for even tighter packing densities for measuring features on intricate parts.


The narrow body displacement sensors facilitate checking of features that are close together which could not easily be measured using standard digital displacement sensors or conventional LVDT sensors. Solartron Metrology has reduced the diameter of these displacement sensors without compromising the reliability, life or performance.


Solartron range D6P/S has all the excellent features of standard digital displacement sensors but is only 6 mm diameter.


New from Solartron Metrology displacement sensors with short body lengths enabling these gauge probes to be mounted in locations where standard displacement sensors will not fit, maintaining all of the advantages of LVDT sensors while providing superior performance.


Photointerrupter KI3663 consists of an Infrared LED and a Photo IC with digital output.


Photointerrupter KI3662 consists of an Infrared LED and a Photo IC with digital output.