TV10 0032

HDMI interface board for Sony FCB-EV7520A, FCB-EV, FCB-EH E SE600, FCB-EV9500L. The interface board converts the native LVDS format for Sony EV7520A, Sony FCB-EV, EH range & FCB-SE600 and new Sony FCB-EV9500L into HDMI standard.

TV10 0090

3G/HD-SDI Premium interface board for LVDS zoom block cameras. 3G-SDI Premium converts the native LVDS video signal from camera blocks to 3G/HD-SDI and Analog video standards.

TV10 0096

3G/HD-SDI Neo interface board for LVDS zoom block cameras. 3G-SDI Neo interface board converts the native LVDS video signal from camera zoom blocks to 3G/HD-SDI standard.