Speed Estimation & Path Management

12 Jun 2024
Ensure safety and environmental protection thanks to the speed estimation and path management options and our advanced sensors

Among the many functionalities of the ROAD series is the estimation of the speed of passing vehicles, which can be extremely useful to know which are the busiest streets in the city or if vehicles travel too fast on certain stretches of road.

This option can also be paired with VigiLadon’s path management feature, allowing to know exactly how much time vehicles take getting from a point A to a point B.

This way, public authorities can take direct action to improve mobility, in order to redistribute traffic flows throughout the day and better enforce speed limits on streets with high accident rates.

Finally, the expected changes to pollution levels can be accurately monitored thanks to our innovative integration with Kunak’s Air quality monitoring stations.

Are you interested in learning more about this and other applications? Write us at security@tecnosens.it and discover our full range of advanced functions!

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