Our attention is mainly focused on the quality of the outdoor air quality and we do not worry about the indoor air in our homes, workplaces and schools.
However, it is increasingly evident that even the indoor air can be very polluted: volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulates (PM), humidity (RH), molds are among the compounds that frequently contaminate the indoor air.
For this reason, controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) systems are a solution to ensure a continuous exchange of air between inside and outside environments.
One of the fundamental parameters to monitor for the efficiency use of these systems is Carbon Dioxide (CO2), which at certain levels can affect the psychophysical well-being of the person.
Tecnosens is partner of ELT Sensor, a Korean manufacturer focused on NDIR technology for CO2 measurement.
ELT produces both OEM modules, among the most compact on the market, and finished probes for ambient and duct measurements.