Many different applications can benefit from the integration of the Multisensor Board for gas detection. For example, it can be used to check the condition of gas filter materials, detecting the concentration of gases in the environment.
Its features allow to detect up to 6 gases at the same time, choosing without limitation between a wide range of different targets. In this specific application, mounting H2S, NH3, SO2 and VOC sensors, it is possible to detect these odorous gases level with precise, fast and reliable results.
The Multisensor board easily communicates with RS-485, USB or even with Raspberry, so that the datas provided by each sensor and managed by the mainbaord, are immediately ready to be shown or stored. It is possible to integrate the product on different levels, thanks to the available Python libraries and the user friendly interface to read the values.
Tecnosens internally develops this incredible device thanks to its high knowledge, starting from the single sensing element, to provide a ready to use solution for many different gas detection applications.
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