Magnetostrictive Displacement Transducers - Nautical Sector

17 Jun 2024
Magnetostrictive displacement transducers can be adapted to various heavy-duty applications

Santest is one of the world-leading manufacturers of magnetostrictive displacement transducers. Established in 1953 in Osaka, Japan, it has been providing quality products and ensuring reliability ever since.

Santest’s magnetostrictive linear displacement transducers are characterized by their compactness, high accuracy and extreme durability, and are therefore essential in fields like the nautical sector, where other types of sensors would not work as efficiently and would deteriorate faster.
- Linearity: from 0,025%.
- Effective stroke from 15 to 7500mm.
- Resolution:

  • less than 0,005%FS (analogue);

  • than 0,1; 0,01; 0,005; 0,001mm (digital).

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