Fujikura Differential Pressure Sensors AL4 series

03 Feb 2020

Fujikura Differential pressure sensors AL4 series are the perfect solution for accurate air flow measurement in a wide field of applications from HVAC to filter monitoring systems, passing for medical and burners controls.

Models AL4 are ASIC based sensors which improve accuracy, power consumptions and stability in temperature covering differential pressure range from 1 up to 10kPa. Moreover, the barbed port makes them suitable for integrations where mechanical seals specifications are required.

Fujikura technology is based on a silicon piezo-resistive pressure sensing chip and a signal conditioning integrated circuit. The low-level signal from the sensing chip is amplified, temperature compensated, calibrated, converted to digital and finally transmitted through two communication interfaces: I2C and SPI.

Fujikura constantly brings innovation to its products thanks to its decennial experience leading different markets.


Datasheet537.36 KB
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