Automated hollow glass inspection

Automated hollow glass inspection
Multi-station system for container glass quality inspection

Oktilab is a multi-station system for quality control of glass containers. The platform is modular and allows for dynamic control management. Thanks to the collaborative robot, repetitive operator tasks are easily eliminated. The system recognises the recipe and ensures sample traceability, as well as autonomous programming of new models. It can be used in laboratory or production line.


These are some of the fields in which Oktilab can be used:

  • Oktilab (Container Glass Measurement) - Pharmaceutical Sector
  • Oktilab (Container Glass Measurement) - Food Sector
  • Oktilab (Container Glass Measurement) - Bottle Sector

These are some of its main features:

  • Multimeasurement solution
  • Compact design
  • Tailored to meet customer needs
  • Plug&play extensions
  • Easy customer setting&programming
  • SPC Reports

Thickness measurement and control

Controllo e misura spessore

Dimensional Control

Controllo dimensionale

Stress measurement and control

Controllo dello stress

Weight measurement and control

Controllo del peso


Seven-segment cavity


Dotcode cavity


Pick & Place - Conveyor


Pick & Place - Tray


Self-centering Pick

Pharmaceutical Sector

Food Sector

Bottle Sector