Gas sensors

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TGS 2444 displays good selectivity to ammonia, making it ideal for critical safety-related applications such as the detection of ammonia leaks in refrigeration systems and ammonia detection in the agricultural field.


The TGS 8100 is a semiconductor MEMS sensor, with high sensitivity to low concentrations of gaseous air contaminants such as cigarette smoke and cooking odors.


The TGS 8102 is a semiconductor MEMS sensor, with high sensitivity to low concentrations of gaseous air contaminants such as cigarette smoke and cooking odors.


TGS816 has high sensitivity to methane, propane, and butane, making it ideal for natural gas and LPG monitoring. The sensor can detect a wide range of gases, making it an excellent, low cost sensor for a variety of applications.


The TGS 821 has high sensitivity and selectivity to hydrogen gas. The sensor can detect concentrations as low as 50ppm, making it ideal for a variety of industrial applications.